Terms of Service for the Provision of Electronic Services within the mykid.tips Platform (“Terms of Service”)

  1. Definitions

    1. Provider - the platform located at the domain mykid.tips.
    2. User - an adult natural person who has registered on the Platform and uses the services.
    3. Platform - the website located at mykid.tips, through which the Provider allows, among other things, for the User to ask questions regarding child upbringing, based on which an artificial intelligence (AI)-based analysis is conducted, resulting in:
      • generating a KIDplan – a response to the User’s question related to the broad concept of child upbringing;
      • providing the ability for the User to mark progress in achieving the KIDplan.
      Unlimited access to the aforementioned functionalities is only possible after the User has made the Payment within the Subscription.
    4. Subscription - a paid service that entails providing the User with continuous access to all functionalities of the Platform.
    5. Payment - the fee the User commits to paying in the amount specified on the Platform in order to use the Subscription.
    6. Billing Period - the period for which the Payment is made for the time specified on the Platform.
    7. Account - a set of settings that allows the User, among other things, to manage the Subscription, access the history of generated KIDplans, and track progress in achieving the KIDplans. The User is obligated not to share the login and password to their Account with third parties.
  2. General Provisions

    1. The Provider provides the Subscription service in accordance with the provisions of the Terms of Service.
    2. The User is obligated to comply with the provisions of the Terms of Service.
    3. The agreement between the User and the Provider is concluded at the moment of completing the registration form available on the Platform and accepting the Terms of Service by marking the appropriate checkbox.
    4. To use the Platform correctly, the User should ensure the following technical requirements:
      • access to the Internet
      • access to an internet browser
      • an active email address (the aforementioned email address will be used for all correspondence between the Provider and the User)
    5. To generate a personalized KIDplan, it is necessary to describe the child upbringing/behavior problem as accurately as possible.
    6. All questions asked within the Platform may only concern upbringing issues. Asking questions related to the child's health is prohibited.
    7. All content generated within the Platform is for informational purposes only and can in no way replace psychological or medical consultation.
    8. The User is obligated to comply with the law while using the Platform.
    9. The User is not allowed to use the Subscription for the benefit of third parties or in any way that infringes on the legitimate interests of the Provider.
    10. The Provider may refuse to provide the Subscription service if the User violates the Terms of Service.
    11. The User should inform the Provider of any irregularities or interruptions in the functioning of the Platform that hinder proper use of the Subscription.
  3. Payments

    1. To use the Subscription, the User is required to make a Payment in advance.
    2. If the Payment is not made after the end of the current Billing Period, the Subscription will automatically expire.
    3. The User may cancel the Subscription at any time with effect at the end of the Billing Period in which the cancellation was made.
    4. Payments that have been made are non-refundable.
    5. To cancel the Subscription, the User must log into their Account and select the "manage subscription" option.
  4. Complaints

    1. The User may file a complaint regarding the Subscription.
    2. The complaint should include the following information:
      • the User's first and last name, and email address;
      • the subject of the complaint and a description of the circumstances justifying the complaint.
    3. Complaints can be submitted via email to: [email protected].
    4. Complaints will be reviewed by the Provider within 14 days of receipt.
    5. The Provider will inform the User of the decision made after reviewing the complaint via email to the address from which the complaint was sent.
  5. Technologies/AI Utilized

    1. The Provider delivers the Subscription service using artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
    2. The analysis of questions asked by Users, as well as all content generated by the Provider within the Platform (blog, e-books, newsletters, answers to questions, KIDplan), is done using artificial intelligence.
  6. Personal Data

    1. The principles concerning the processing of Users' personal data by the Provider are set out in the Privacy Policy.
  7. Liability

    1. The Provider is not responsible for the results stemming from the advice received by the User via the Platform (including advice received as part of the KIDplan).
    2. The generated KIDplan is for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes psychological or medical advice.
    3. The Provider is not responsible for the content input by Users into the System, especially for its accuracy.
    4. The Provider bears no responsibility towards a User violating the Terms of Service for any damages resulting from the suspension of the Subscription or the deletion of the Account.
    5. The Provider is not responsible for any damages arising from lack of continuity in providing the Subscription due to circumstances beyond the Provider's control (e.g., force majeure).
  8. Final Provisions

    1. The Provider reserves the right to temporarily suspend the provision of the Subscription service due to activities related to the modification or improvement of the Platform.
    2. The Provider reserves the right to amend the Terms of Service, which shall be communicated on the Platform.
    3. The binding version of the Terms of Service is the English language version.

Best regards,
The mykid.tips Team